Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Colin's Day Out

At 12:01 Colin was determined to buy beer. And that is how his birthday extravaganza started out. With us going up to the gas station and buying beer precisely at 12:01, he can finally legally drink. He's been waiting for this day for a while. So after he bought his very first six pack we went home to drink and play video games like adults. After getting to sleep in until 11:00, I bought us some coffee from Coffee Noir and made omelets for us. They were simply delicious if I do say so myself. We then promptly left for the liqueur store for some much needed browsing time. It was so nice having Colin in the State Liqueur store with me! Previously I would have to browse the barren wooden shelves on my own but this time Colin would experience the lack of alcohol Utah has! So we stocked up on a array of beers. But since 3 six packs weren't enough, we went to the Beer Store to get 3 more. We ventured home with a variety of beers we were eager to try!! After displaying our beer and trying to get them all to fit in our mini fridge, people started arriving! Ben, Meggie, Josh, Jesse Kissy, Brian, and Ross all came over to play some Super Smash Bros. and drink some beer before we went to Desert Edge. When we got there the place was packed, but luckily found a table to fit us all. We ordered some pitchers, more people showed up and we order some more pitchers. After Desert Edge we headed over to X Wives Club, a pool hall/bar, and met up with some more people! We ended the night nicely, no one threw up or was arrested, and flopped into our beds around 2 am. And thus concludes Colin's 21st birthday! I do believe he had a wonderful time.

Colin trying to decide
The Breakfast
The Beer
All vegetables and fruit were moved from the fridge for more important things.


Meggie said...

Such a fun night :)

Meaghan said...

haha, i love it. And as I said I enjoy the picture of Colin and the cashier :)