I had my fashion final last Monday, Math final this Monday, Psychology final Today and Biology final on Friday...But for now I feel a little relieved of stress since I have to only focus on one more test. And then I can start to worry about Christmas which, by the way, is only 7 days away! Is anyone else stressing? So with that, I wanted to share some of my fashion projects. Mainly just my two favourite ones.
Fashion Project Numero Uno: Making My Own Fabric. (This sounds a lot cooler than it actually was. I just drew out my own fabric and different % of fiber and how it was died. But I still had fun!)

Garment: High waisted stretch jersey pencil skirt, grey satin top and burgundy leather jacket with pointed lapels and matching insole in jacket.
Fabric: Maroon and mustard. 64% polyester, 27% viscose, 6% cotton.
Fashion Project El Doso: An Accessory. (This one was extra fun because I've been watching Project Accessory now that Project Runway is over, so I got a few good ideas. Anyone else watch that show? I'm loving Nina Cortes and Diego Rocha...seriously check it out.)

After numerous attempts at my original weaving idea of the rolled book pages, I decided on a simple kinda pan flute look. It turned out nice, but looks a lot better on. I ended up sewing the old book pages together and using ribbon for the rest, and the spine of the book for the details.
So there you go finals done! And the Christmas season can begin.