Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Thanksgiving, Hosted by Me

This Thanksgiving we didn't really have a place to have dinner. Ben and Meggie, Josh and my Mom were all having to move from their place so it wasn't exactly ideal to have it there. Meaghan and Mason's place was just a bit too small. So I decided to host it myself, at my smallish place. With a lot of help from my mom, It turned out wonderful! A full vegan Thanksgiving Feast! We ended up having 11 people in our apartment but it was worth having everyone there. After hours of cooking, Meaghan, my mom and I made the perfect dinner. Afterwards we all played the Gossip Girl Game, never have I ever. Ending with apple cranberry pie and vegan ice cream. It turned out perfect. I loved having everyone here and listening to Christmas music while enjoying peoples company and cooking with my sister and mom. I'm so thankful for all the people in my life.


Friday, November 18, 2011

The Hunger Games

I can't emphasize how excited I am about these movies. Like Harry Potter, I was worried about who they had cast for the movies, but I think it will turn out well. And since Harry Potter is all done I have to look forward to some book-movie event. (Twilight just sucks way too much). So here is the first official trailer. I nearly peed my pants.


Monday, November 7, 2011


Sorry for going totally MIA as of late. I know its always the usual 'I'm busy', but basically I've just had nothing good to blog about. So to keep everyone slightly updated on my somewhat boring life lately, here are some way's I've kept myself busy outside boring work/school...

Before it got chilly my mom and I made a drive up Immigration Canyon, ate lunch at Sun & Moon Cafe and then got sufficiently lost for almost an hour. But it was worth it driving to no where and listening to Norah Jones.

outside dinning
our yummy salad
my beautiful mommy
getting lost in beautiful utah

Taking walks in the rain.
Vintage finds
sidewalk chalk art
Copious amounts of coffee.

Creepy pictures outside Staples.

Halloween fun with family and friends.

Going to see Midnight in Paris at the Broadway Theaters with Colin.
absolutely loved this movie! All about Paris, the 1920's, Hemmingway, Fitzgerald, writing...who could have made a movie that literally was everything I love? Woody Allen, duh.
wall art at the theaters
taken especially for josh