Thursday, December 24, 2009


This has to be one of the best movies I have seen all year. Considering the year is almost over and all the movies shown, that's saying a lot. After putting on the stylish 3D glasses I was pulled into the futuristic world in front of me. At first the 3D was a little weird but after a while it made the movie real, like I was a spectator watching everything from a distance. For those of you who don't know what the movie is about, here is the basic plot line...The story follows a future battle between Earth and alien moon Pandora. The Army is after rich minerals, mainly located underneath the Natives home tree. Jake Sully, played by the amazingly attractive Sam Worthington, who is confined to a wheelchair, is chosen to be part of the Avatar program,where his mind will control a healthy body on a remote world and sent to Pandora, a rain forest with a mix of beautiful and terrifying creatures known as the Na'vi. After being accepted into their world, Jake finds himself needing to decide where his allegiances lie, in a battle which will decide the fate of two planets...I thoroughly enjoyed the movie. It had great characters and character development, a fantastic storyline, amazing scenery and even the Avatar's grew on me, they became more and more attractive as the movie went on. Everything about this movie was awesome, I left the theater in awe, I highly recommend it to anyone. Well done James Cameron, well done.

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